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AI Driven Microsegmentation

Segment everything.
Connect everyone.

video introduction

Stop lateral movement and kill ransomware by automatically placing a firewall and MFA on every asset–in a click and without any agents.

zero networks segment

Connect employees and vendors to your network with Zero Trust architecture that uses the best of VPN and ZTNA–without their flaws.

zero networks connect

Clients Say...

Consolidate Segmentation and Remote Access No more disparate technologies:

Unite automated microsegmentation and pioneering ZTNA to modernize network security

Cell Zero Networks

Zero trust technology is not just a trend but a crucial evolution in cybersecurity.

Zero Networks Segment

Next Gen Technology

Fully automated


Never create a single rule again



Seamless deployment without breaking anything

MFA everywhere


Deploy multi-factor authentication for any asset type - IT and OT

Segmenting client-to-server and server-to-server


Two network security products in one

legacy micro segmenting
vpn and ztna

Maximum network performance


Direct peer-to-peer connectivity with WireGuard®

Zero Trust Networking principles


No open ports on the internet

Zero Networks Connect


Reduce security toolset footprint by consolidating network security solutions.

Simplify security operations by drastically reducing the amount of tactical activity.

Force multiply current staff by focusing on strategic security initiatives.

University cyber security courses


Demonstrate fast results by deploying an agentless Zero Trust architecture in hours.

Simplify compliance and pass pen tests by automatically segmenting every asset.

Simplify security by consolidating tools to bring a one stop shop for employee and third-party access

IT Team

Simplify operations by consolidating tools to bring a one stop shop for employee and third-party access

One stop shop for employee and third-party access with a solid user experience.

Simplify the segmentation of every asset with a click without impacting performance.

Security Team

Segment every asset and deploy remote connectivity aligned with a Zero Trust architecture with a click.

Deploy MFA everywhere including hard to reach assets such as custom applications and legacy protocols like RPC, SMB and WinRM.

Reduce security complexity with fewer solutions.

One stop shop for employee and third-party access.

Reduce patch urgency by segmenting vulnerable ports.

Network Ops

Simplify the segmentation of every asset with a click without impacting performance.

Simplify network architecture by reducing firewall footprint and less hardware

Software defined remote connectivity without any configuration or maintenance and automated network policy management.

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